Combining DIGITAL ARTISTRY with photography. 

A chase down a photography project after learning how to build, restore and play this incredible instrument. Electric Rock Guitars 

One Take Raw

Rock Guitars: A collection of photography combining graphic design elements.

I started playing electric guitar 10 years ago by learning the influential techniques of Jimi Hendrix. The more I played and immersed myself in rock guitar, the more I became totally obsessed with the journey into higher consciousness.

I experienced a deeper and more powerful understanding of self and energy flow. I had just finished design college and become more aware of patterns. Seeing that musical chords and scales are made up of patterns you follow by putting your fingers on the neck of the guitar, I thought I had to figure this out and see if I could come up with a common theme within these patterns. A design, if you will.

These are electric guitars I have previously owned and currently own. My love of guitars seemed like a must-chase photography theme. To me, each guitar has its own personality. Some have a cleaner sound, while others have a dirtier sound. Some are easier to play, while others just feel like butter in your hands. Each can paint its own color of sound.

I’m not a rock god or blues master, but learning to play has only increased my creative and spiritual skills more than I ever expected. I’ve learned what Hendrix called “the flow” or “being in the flow” and how best to use it. More about that in the blog.

If you are looking for a theme to chase, I suggest following your passions. It’s always a good place to start.

Chris DaGrosa

Christopher DaGrosa NY/NJ Commercial Product Beverage Advertising Photographer. 

The Splash Liquids, POUR, Still Life and Stop Motion Advertising Photography partnered with AI digital artistry.

Lebanon,NJ 08833 



As a product beverage  advertising commercial  photographer,

I create exciting photography for client branding, direct marketing and ecommerce clientele.

With Certainty We'll deliver the image you're after. 

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